Useful addresses and telephone numbers:               School (Groene Hart Lyceum): Tolstraat 11  -   tel. 449510


Persons to be contacted:                                          

Gerrit Kleijwegt               tel. 434940             Jeannette Crisson              tel. 240841

Mees Biesma                   tel. 434352             Bas Blok                         tel. 438374



HOLLAND   ¶¶¶¶¶   28 - 03 - 2000  =  PR0GRAMME =  31 - 03 - 2000   ¶¶¶¶¶             FINLAND














Tuesday  28-03


17.55 h


19.16 h

+ 19.50 h


Arrival at Schiphol


Bus (Interliner) to Alphen

Arrival at Alphen station


Group will be picked up at Schiphol by JCr & ?

Students will be picked up by host families

at the station



Host families in case of delay


Wednesday  29-03


+ 09.00 h



+ 10.30 h

+ 12.30 h


13.38 h



+ 17.30 h


Visiting lessons at location ‘WEST’

and ‘CENTER’


Visiting some enterprise/business?

Lunch at school (Center)


Train to Leiden; visit to some museum and after that a walkabout in old Leiden

Back in Alphen


Students will go (on bike) to the locations, accompanied by their Dutch companions



Students take along packed lunch from home

Possibility  visiting Museum of Antiquities

or “Asterix and Europe” or ...

(depends of the weather!)

Diner at host families; free evening


Practical lessons; i.a.  music, art or physics lessons


GKl & BBl

À Pick up time for host families:




Thursday  30-03


08.30 h


09.00 h

+ 09.45 h


+ 11.00 h

+ 13.00 h

+ 14.15 h

+ 15.30 h

18.00 h


+ 20.00 h



At school (Center) for day trip on bike

Departure from school (Center)

Visit to flour mill / church tower

(2 groups in turn)

Visit to cheesemaking farmer

Rowing (little ‘Giethoorn’)

Visit to an old Vikingship

Arrival at school

Bowling at the Bowlingcenter Alphen

Farewell pizza- banquet


J  THE END !!!  L



Students with bikes directly to school


Take with you a packed lunch and something to drink

Also (you’ll never know) rainwear!




Some free time untill  + 17.30 h

The bowling will begin at precisely 18.00 h!!



RSo, BBl, JCr

mevr. Kansen




Make good appointments with your host families for pickup times and suchlike!!



Friday  31-03


09.16 h


Departure to Amsterdam


Interliner; railway station Alphen